Yuga Labs’ TwelveFold NFT auction has come to an end, totaling over $16 million.
With 288 successful bidders, the collection of 300 generative NFTs — including 288 for auction and 12 for donations — that went up for auction on March 5, 2023, ended yesterday, March 6.
Despite the minimum bid amount of $5, the highest winning bid was 7.1159 BTC, roughly $159,623, followed by 7 BTC and 4.123 BTC, $157,024 and $92,487 respectively.
It turned out that among the 288 winning bidders, the auction totaled approximately 735.71 BTC, or around $16,503,446.
Within one week, the top 288 successful, winning bids will receive a TwelveFold inscription, while the bids which do not place in the top 288 positions will get their bids returned.
The TwelveFold NFT collection — produced in-house by Yuga Labs but unrelated to the company’s other successful projects, such as BAYC — includes a reimagining of Bitcoin’s blockchain data map with 3D elements in each.
The auction was another successful initiative from Yuga Labs; another milestone was the $450 million in funding the company received in March last year for the development of the Otherside NFT metaverse.