ITV Studios, the renowned television company, has made its foray into the metaverse, launching an immersive virtual experience centered around “The Voice,” the popular American singing reality competition TV series.
The virtual space, dubbed “The Voice Studios,” will provide users with a range of interactive activities; they will be able to unleash their creativity by creating original music, showcasing their dancing skills, engaging in Battle rounds, and putting their musical knowledge to the test. Moreover, aspiring singers will have the opportunity to audition for an upcoming season of the hit series and even win exclusive virtual clothing items.
Fans of “The Voice” will also have the unique opportunity to meet the show’s celebrity coaches. This star-studded lineup includes Grammy Award-winning hip-hop artist Chance the Rapper, platinum-selling singer-songwriter Niall Horan, and the returning coaches Kelley Clarkson and Blake Shelton.
The Voice Studios was developed in collaboration with Virtual Brand Group (VBG), a renowned metaverse company with a track record of creating immersive experiences. Notably, VBG is responsible for developing Forever 21‘s first virtual shop on Roblox, among other notable projects.
Starting today, May 12, 2023, The Voice Studios will be accessible on the Decentraland metaverse platform.
This venture is not ITV Studios’ first foray into the realm of Web3. In 2022, they participated in the Decentraland Metaverse Music Festival, where the company set up a virtual pop-up area for “The Voice” fans.