BBC Studios, the renowned production company, has made an exciting announcement, revealing its partnership with Web3 studio Reality+ to venture into the metaverse.
This collaboration will bring some of BBC’s most beloved brands, including Doctor Who and Top Gear, into the virtual world, providing fans with immersive digital experiences.
The metaverse space created by BBC Studios will find its home in The Sandbox, a leading metaverse platform.
This marks a significant milestone as it will be the company’s first virtual space launched in the metaverse. Although specific details regarding the virtual experience are yet to be disclosed, it is expected to debut later this year.
BBC’s recent trademark applications for the Doctor Who logo strongly hinted at its intentions to expand into the metaverse and NFT (non-fungible token) space.
This move follows the trend of various entertainment brands entering the metaverse, such as Cirque du Soleil, which launched the “Cirque du Soleil Tycoon” experience on Roblox just last week.
The Sandbox has established itself as a prominent digital landmark, enabling brands to offer unique and immersive experiences while exploring new avenues for customer engagement. Cipriani, a well-known luxury hospitality brand, recently partnered with The Sandbox to create its virtual space called “Cipriani’s LAND.” Visitors can now explore the enchanting streets of Venice, discover the origins of the famous Bellini cocktail, and even interact with the esteemed Cipriani family.
The metaverse continues to evolve as a dynamic space where brands can forge deeper connections with their audiences, offering new and interactive experiences beyond the traditional realms of entertainment.