Makersplace, a leading market for discovering, collecting, and investing in really rare and original digital artworks, has announced a collaboration with The Holoverse, which tokenizes historical masterpieces with rights and converts them into holographic NFTs.
The partnership will result in the release of a one-of-a-kind holographic NFT of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterwork, La Bella Principessa, which will be auctioned off on April 21, 2022, with a starting price of $100,000.
The auction winner will acquire the first-ever HoloNFT of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterwork, La Bella Principessa, a painting of a young Milanese noble in a gorgeous Renaissance dress that will be on exhibit this autumn at a world-renowned museum in Italy.

The HoloNFT is available in both digital and physical forms. The original canvas is scanned into a multi-gigabyte photogrammetry picture, allowing the viewer to zoom in and study the piece in greater detail than the human eye can see. The one-of-a-kind 1:1 hologram will be housed in a crystal case (73cm x 73cm x 12cm), and will be delivered and installed with white-glove service.
Because it increases performance and aesthetic impact, the hologram is somewhat bigger than the original (50cm x 35cm). The hologram is created by the rapid rotation of four blades carrying 256 tiny LEDs and microprocessors, which employ an algorithm to construct the work in the air.